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Publication scientifique du mois de Juin 2009...

posté à 01h41

Ce mois-ci, une nouvelle publication conduite par une équipe danoise dirigée par le Prof. Pedersen , vous est proposée au regard de son intérêt majeur dans la problématique de la capacité d'adaptation métabolique en réponse à l'ingestion de glucose au cours de l'entraînement :

J Appl Physiol. 2009 Jun;106(6):1771-9

Glucose ingestion during endurance training does not alter adaptation.

Akerstrom TC, Fischer CP, Plomgaard P, Thomsen C, van Hall G, Pedersen BK

Glucose ingestion during exercise attenuates activation of metabolic enzymes and expression of important transport proteins. In light of this, we hypothesized that glucose ingestion during training would result in 1) an attenuation of the increase in fatty acid uptake and oxidation during exercise, 2) lower citrate synthase (CS) and beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (beta-HAD) activity and glycogen content in skeletal muscle, and 3) attenuated endurance performance enhancement in the trained state.

To investigate this we studied nine male subjects who performed 10 wk of one-legged knee extensor training. They trained one leg while ingesting a 6% glucose solution (Glc) and ingested a sweetened placebo while training the other leg (Plc). The subjects trained their respective legs 2 h at a time on alternate days 5 days a week.

Endurance training increased peak power (P(max)) and time to fatigue at 70% of P(max) approximately 14% and approximately 30%, respectively. CS and beta-HAD activity increased and glycogen content was greater after training, but there were no differences between Glc and Plc. After training the rate of oxidation of palmitate (R(ox)) and the % of rate of disappearance that was oxidized (%R(dox)) changed. %R(dox) was on average 16.4% greater during exercise after training whereas, after exercise %R(dox) was 30.4% lower. R(ox) followed the same pattern. However, none of these parameters were different between Glc and Plc.

We conclude that glucose ingestion during training does not alter training adaptation related to substrate metabolism, mitochondrial enzyme activity, glycogen content, or performance.


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